Last week, I met with Ann Zawistoski to refine our search for articles on facial recognition software. From that meeting, I was able to find a couple sources that look very promising for giving us the techniques and tools we need for identifying and re-identifying faces. Then on Thursday, we met again with Nat Wilson to go over our findings and discuss the best tools and sources we’ve found so far. This week, we’ll be working on looking through and ranking those tools we discussed on Thursday, as well as any others we find online that look promising. We’ll be using a set of criteria established over the course of the past week (things like ease of use, ability to do batch imports/exports of data, ability to maintain privacy, etc.). That way, we should have a concrete way to quanititatively determine the best tools by next week, with any luck. We’re looking to narrow down the tools we have to about 5-7 finalists, and then we can further narrow it down from there.